Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet

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Fact Sheet


Bioxyne Limited

Business Description:

Bioxyne Limited (ASX:BXN) is an international Australian life sciences company headquartered in Sydney, and parent company of the Breathe Life Sciences Group. Bioxyne and wholly owned subsidiary Breathe Life Sciences manufacture and distribute novel medicines (cannabis, MDMA, Psilocybin) and consumer health products (CBD, functional mushrooms, other) in Australia, Europe, UK, Japan, and USA.

In Australia, Breathe Life Sciences holds a TGA manufacturing license, controlled substance licenses to import, export, and wholesale Schedule 3,4, 8 and 9 products, operating primarily business to business. Outside of Australia, the business has manufacturing and distribution centres in Japan, the UK, and Europe, and operates direct to consumer supply of its trademarked Dr Watson® brand.

For more information on Bioxyne, please visit https://bioxyne.com

Shares on Issue:

Ordinary shares: 2,053,312,000

Performance Rights



Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer

Mr Samuel Watson

Chief Financial Officer:

Guy Robertson

Board of Directors:

Mr Anthony Ho – Non Executive Chairman
Mr Samuel Watson – Managing Director and CEO
Jason Hine – Executive Director

Company Secretary:

Guy Robertson

Registered Office:

Suite 506, Level 5
50 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000

P: + 61 2 9078 8180
E: info@bioxyne.com

Share Registry:

Automic Pty Ltd

Level 5 126 Phillip Street 
Sydney NSW 2000

P:  1300 288 664
F:  +61 2 9698 5414
E:  hello@automicgroup.com.au
W: www.securitytransfer.com.au


RSM Australia Partners

Level 13, 60 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000

+61 2 8226 4500