Board and Management

Mr. Anthony Ho. B. Com (UNSW), CA, FAICD, FCIS, FGIA
Non-Executive Chairman
Tony is an experienced company director and is currently a director and chairman of a number of listed ASX companies. Tony was executive director of sales and distribution company Arthur Yates & Co Limited, retiring from that position in April 2002. His extensive corporate finance and governance experience included being Finance Director/CFO of listed retailers on the ASX – M. S. McLeod Holdings Limited (Downtown Duty Free), Galore Group Limited (Barbeques Galore) and Brazin Limited (Bras N Things, Sanity Music).
Prior to joining commerce, Tony was a partner of Cox Johnston & Co, Chartered Accountants which has since merged with Ernst & Young.
Tony holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of New South Wales and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand, and a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Company Secretaries, Governance Institute of Australia and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Samuel Watson, BSC Finance and Economics (New York Stern School of Business).
Managing Director, Founder
Samuel Watson was appointed to the Board on 19 May 2023.
Sam is the founder and CEO of Breathe Life Sciences (BLS). Since establishing the company and the Dr Watson brand in 2018 BLS quickly became a significant player in the health and wellness industry in Europe, UK, and Japan. In 2020 BLS entered the Australian market and grown rapidly into the market leading manufacturer of novel medicines such as MDMA, Psilocybin, and cannabis.
Sam is the CEO and founder of Breathe International Ltd, which became Bioxyne’s largest shareholder following its all-share acquisition of BLS in 2023. In 2023, at 29 years of age, Sam became the youngest ever CEO of an Australian publicly listed company.

Jason Hine BA Economics and Commerce
Executive Director
Jason Hine was appointed to the Board on 19 May 2023.
Jason was previously the GM Commercial Operations for ECS Botanics Limited, Australia’s largest medicinal cannabis and hemp food wellness business. The ECS food and wellness business delivers high quality Tasmanian grown/sourced hemp food and wellness products into the Australian grocery sector via the large grocery chains, regional distributors, and a growing bulk supply and B2C channel.
Jason has been CEO, COO and Managing Director of a number of companies in various industries over a 30 year career.

Guy Robertson, B. Com (Hons.) CA
Chief Financial Officer | Company Secretary
Guy Robertson was appointed CFO and Company Secretary on 1 September 2016.
Guy is an experienced finance executive, having held the positions of Director, Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of both ASX listed and private companies in Australia and Hong Kong. Guy held senior roles in the Jardine Matheson Group of Companies including General Manager Finance of Franklins Limited, Chief Operating Officer of Colliers International Asia Pacific and Managing Director (NSW) Jardine Lloyd Thompson.
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